Monday, December 12, 2005

Bleeech...Holiday food fest at work

Affirmation: I go to bed at 10; I get up at 6

Oh the joys of office unity. Someone decided that every day between December 1 and the 24th someone should bring food to work. And what good food it has been. But I am miserable! I have been allowing myself to eat, but I have been attempting to wait until I am hungry and stop when I am full. Doing pretty well, and have been amazed at how fast full happens. Also am surprised that I feel find just tasting things and not eating a lot. But it has brought up all those "eat eat eat" feelings. I feel like I am in a food induced coma, but it has taken waaay less food to make that happen. But with all that said, I am still eating way to much. And it is making me feel icky (yes that is a word). This is a good thing I guess. Now if I can just use it to help not eat as much the rest of the month.

Getting out of bed in December at 6 am. Not doing so well. Weekends especially. But that is because I stayed up too late. I have about decided to start "going - moving in the direction of" bed around 9. I seem to not really be able to actual do toes up at 10 with out doing some reading and/or journaling. If I "go to bed" at 10 it is 11 before lights go out. But doing so at 9 makes me feel so much like I have no evening. Especially since I don't get off of work until 5:30. And on nights I have meetings it is worse. But I know that this is something I need to do so I will.

I have decided to try to give up TV watching this month. I have so much to do, and truth be told it is why I don't get to going to bed until 10...I am usually watching something that started at 9.

Monthly Progress Report:
  • No inches lost
  • 1 lb lost
  • successfully eating when hungry/stopping when full
  • generally successful food choices
  • Successful at getting to bed by 10 - most nights.

Not much to celebrate in the weight loss, but until I get back to the exercise I know that it will be slow going. But changes are happening. And as Ms. Maatha says...That's a good thing

"Inch by Inch life's a cinch;Yard by yard life is hard"


Kerstin said...

Jackie, I am SO impressed that you are doing SOMETHING! Getting the hang of hungry-eat/full-stop is so key to a healthier lifestyle. My eating has been pretty much out of control and I keep finding new/old excuses ... too unsettled, it's Xmas time, hate cooking in Dave's kitchen etc etc blah blah ...

I think it's great that you are trying to take steps towards your goal; baby steps they may be (although getting up at 6am every day does not sound like a small step to me!), but it's like you said before, it's all about making changes and reprogramming old habits. That takes time. You have dedication and reading your posts makes me realise that this is something I can do to start again.

"Nobody trips over mountains. It is the small pebble that causes you to stumble. Pass all the pebbles in your path and you will find you have crossed the mountain.

Take care, Kerstin

Rebekah said...

I'm proud of you too. One pound lost is a huge accomplishment when so much food is available during the holidays. I'm not doing so good, either. But perfect is unattainable. Trying a moment at a time. That's attainable. I'm thinking about you.

Peascod said...

Kerstin, Rebekah thank you for the encouragement. It is good to know one is not alone in the battle, and also not alone in the little failures that plague us. I love the quote about the mountain. Kerstin what is the title of the book you are reading? It sounds like a good one. jackie