Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Eating and Food Update

Affirmation: To Exercise is to Choose Health and Life

Eating and Food

Last winter I talked about how handling food for me was getting on my nerves and making me want to eat more. Also how I was just sick of all the preparations that seem to go along with healthy eating. In the past 6 months I have experimented with different solutions, some work, some not, some only to varying degrees. It still comes down to discipline. Oh how we hate that word don’t we? But for me to become disciplined it has to become easy. Complication doesn’t work for me. In this eating/exercise/road to health or in any other area of my life it seems.

So what didn’t work:

  1. Eating the same thing all the time.
  2. Easy and suprisingly as tasty as they are to just eat the TV dinners, they got old after a time.
  3. Buying a bunch of fresh produce thinking I would make the time to clean, cut and such.
  4. Going to the grocery every week. (Too much time and I tended to over buy and ended throwing out fresh produce that went bad)

What did work:

  1. Taking breakfast to work to eat.
  2. Using TV dinners for lunches.
  3. Making big batches of salad for lunches and suppers and storing it in individual Glad containers for quick salad makings.
  4. Spending a bit extra for pre-washed salad, pre shredded veggies, and those fruit and veggie party trays instead of thinking I will clean and chop veggies and melons.
  5. Allowing myself the treat of eating lunch out a couple of times a month.
  6. But most important was a deep cleansing of my kitchen to make it a “clean healthy” place. I got rid of all white flour and sugar, processed foods, high fat and sodium foods etc. To help it along I donated sealed and canned foods to a food pantry.

Over all, changing how I cook has helped tremendously. The important thing is to have stuff on hand for quick fixing. I have developed a list of regular things I have on hand to make quick meals that are healthy. I will try to post my pantry list later this week.

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