Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Hello Stranger! I am baaaack

Affirmation: Life is good!

I have been away from blogging for I can’t believe how long. I am sure that no one is even reading my blog anymore! I have been consumed for the past almost 2 years with recovering from 3 ruptured discs. I spent most of the end of 2006 and the beginning of ’07 in bed, unable to walk. After months and months of therapy, lots of rest and exercising at home and being off work since October 2007 I am now able to sit at the computer long enough to write some short entries.

So much about my life has changed. I wish that I could say that this illness has caused me to loose weight, but it hasn’t. Quite the opposite. While I have not had much of an appetite, and eat far less than I did before I got sick, without exercising I have gained about 35 pounds.

What has this taught me? Well something that I have known and not wanted to deal with for a long time. One must exercise to be healthy. I am finally coming to terms with the fact that, at least for me, I must exercise to loose this weight and to be healthy. After being so in active for so long, I also do not like how I feel. I am so out of shape physically. But I also have learned patients with myself. This was not an illness that was going to heal fast, and I still seem to have a ways to go. The past few weeks have been relatively good, but since the weekend the pain has come back and today I had trouble walking. I had started to try to walk outside. Thursday and Friday I walked to the end of the driveway and back…not very far, but a small victory for me.

On other fronts, other things have been happening in my life. I have begun to indulge in a lifelong passion of mine, making jewelry. I started over a year ago to help me keep my mind off the pain. It soon became clear to me that I had to do something with them as I couldn’t ever wear all the stuff I was creating. I began to show them to friends and family and got a lot of positive encouragement. Thus began Twin Angels Designs. Last month I began to sell on Etsy. Go check out my shop.

Another excitement in my life is that the food journal I wrote a while back has been steadily selling. I now have them available through my Etsy shop. Click on the image and it will take you to the shop. This is not your typical food journal. I created it because I didn’t want or need another journal that focuses on how many calories, carbs, or fats. That focuses on a diet – we all know that they don’t work. I needed something that helped me become aware of patterns, triggers, how food tied to my emotions, and portion sizes. I had had an inkling that I was eating a lot more frequently than I was aware of, and most of the time not out of true hunger, but out of being triggered by emotions, activities, or just plain boredom. This journal has been a huge tool for myself and many others. I have to say that it hasn’t necessarily made me loose weight, but it has made me more aware of when, why, how much, and what my triggers are. With that knowledge it has helped me to make different choices than food. It has helped me find the courage to say no. It has also helped me to see how much of my eating is habit. Finally it has helped me to realize how little physical activity I have in my life. With the knowledge I gain from this journal I feel that I am beginning to have the tools to find balance and peace in my life around food.

If you think you might like to try the journal and you have questions, just email me or go to Etsy and convo me.
Well It has been a hard day, it is time for a pain pill and beddy. Tomorrow is another day.

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