Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Wednesday Web Finds: A Veggie Venture


I choose to view this journey to health not as a diet but as an opportunity to grow in knowledge and trust of God

On Wednesdays, more or less I want to share food and health related websites that I like or have found helpful for me. Today’s website is A Veggie Venture. I love Alanna’s recipes. I don’t think that any recipe I have tried of hers has not worked for me. This website, chocked full of veggie recipes is a go to website for inspiration for meals.

Alanna is a second generation food columnist, following in the footsteps of her mother. She also continues the food column her mother started called Kitchen Parade. Check it out too, lots of good recipes and information. My favorites are the ones on how to save money on groceries.

Alanna also includes WW information with her recipes and has several zero points soups in her recipe database. Those of you following the WW plan will love this website and mine a bunch of great tasting recipes there.

Make sure to read her about me section. She is one fascinating woman. This bog is a bookmarker for sure; one you will return to frequently. Also you can subscribe to receive her daily posts via email…which of course I do.
Thanks Alanna for such fun and yummy recipes and information and your dedication to share with all of us so generously.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello, my dear. You just don't know how much this means to me, thank you so much. On days when blogging lists from love to labor, it is words like yours which give me the fortitude to carry on. Thank you, thank you, for this day's blessing.