Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Tuesday Tips, Traps, and Truths: Food Journaling


I choose to view this journey to health not as a diet but as an opportunity to grow in knowledge and trust of God

A friend sent me this article about food journaling. Since I am in the middle of a personal challenge to keep a food journal for 28 days I thought this would be a great article to share. Personally I still hate keeping a record of all I eat. Even though I keep the journal with in reach, I still forget to record things, I still play games with myself about not putting every single bite down, (like someone is reading over my shoulder???), and I just find it a nuisance.

But on the positive side, I do find myself more aware of how much I eat for other reasons than hunger. It does point out patterns to me that help me to change. I think the most important is that it help me to see that sometimes I get lazy with my food choices and choose easy rather than healthy.

Journaling can be as simple as just writing down the food you eat each day or as complicated as measuring, tracking cal/fat/carb/etc for everything you put into your mouth, and some even take pictures of what is on your plate.

For me the least complicated is the best. I have tried several ways of journaling and tracking my food. The simple writing down of your eating was by far the easiest. But there came a time that I needed to record and remember more about why and when I was eating so that I could look back periodically to see patterns and habits and find ways to break them.

That is why I wrote my own journal. It combines just listing what you eat at each meal and adding a few one – two word observations about what is happening with me and what my triggers to eat are. It is working for me now and has in the past. But I have to be careful that it doesn’t trigger that “diet mentality” in me which sends me spiraling into an eating frenzy out of rebellion. No not a binge, just days of eating what I want, when I want, and how much I want.

I usually don’t keep my journal for more that a month. I usually try to keep one about every 6 months or so. Or if I am feeling like I am using food for more than just fuel. Just as a check to see how I am doing. Sometimes it only takes a week or so to help me see where I am and get back to a better place. But the thing about doing it for a month is that it takes you beyond the “good behavior” phase of keeping a journal. You always do good that first week!
How about you, do you journal? What kind of journal do you keep? Is it working for you?

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