Thursday, August 18, 2005

Breakthroughs & Celebrations

Affirmation: I eat when I am hungry; I stop when I am satisfied

Tonight at group I realized that the past month, working on this affirmation has created a real breakthrough for me. I am actually beginning to listen to my body and recognize real hunger and choose to only eat when I am actually hungry. I am getting better and better each day to stop eating when I reach saiety and not going past that to full or stuffed. And today I realized that my body is beginning to trust me again to feed it when I am truly hungry and that if I get hungry again, I will feed it, instead of starving it because of some diet. Today I wasn't even hungry enough to eat my snacks. I only ate at meals and actually I didn't think about food much today at all. Small progresses, but victories to celebrate!

I think it is about time that I begin to look for and celebrate the small victories. I am so quick to notice and point out my stumbles, mistakes, and falls from plan each day, but there are still many victories, both large AND small to celebrate too. It is so important to mark the positive milestones, something I don't do enough on this fact in most of my life.

So!! tonight it is about small victories. You Go Girlfriend! Today's small victory is not eating snacks because I wasn't hungry or just because I had packed them in my lunch bag. It was perfectly ok to tote them back home and put them in the fridge for tomorrow.

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