Friday, August 12, 2005

Getting Ready for Exercise

Today I went to look at recumbant bikes to buy. Boy, they are pricey. But compared to a hospital stay or even ongoing dues at the Y, not so much. And mom says she will use it too, and that will be worth it alone. I found one that he will give me a discount on that will be 499...the next step up in this store is then 1200. Sunday we are going to go to Sears and another place that has home equiptment to see what they have and to price it. I need mom to try out the bike before I actually buy it to make sure she can get onto it.

I know that I have to face getting back into the schedule of exercise again. I hate the way I feel since I quit. I don't know if I will ever get to the point that I love it, but I do like how I feel when I get a good workout in on a daily basis. Tomorrow after I get back from the farmer's market Mom and I am going to finish emptying out my old studio room and get it ready to convert back into a bedroom again. That is where the bike will go. I know if I put it downstairs in the studio, she won't use it as much...she doesn't do the stairs so well anymore. Actually I thihk I would do it more in the mornings if it was in what will eventually be my bedroom rather than downstairs.

Exercise is just a part of what I know I have to incorporate into my new lifestyle. Lately I have been concentrating on the emotional part of eating and food, but in all reality I know that my body will not loose as well without physical exercise. I have to face that apart and aside from the eating disorder, exercise will have to become a part of my daily routine if I am to become healthy and get off my medication. I can do it, I just have to make the committment and find a way to fit it into my life in a way that works for me. Ok...I know that you will make the time for the things that are important to you, but sometimes something can be important, but if you don't like doing it, then it becomes a challenge to make it a priority. So I guess Death would be a good enough reason for me to make exercising a priority wouldn't it?

So a new layer to add over the next few weeks is exercise. Lord help me! Help me to see that this is important enough to make it a priority in my life, to commmit to it, to actually do it for more than a few weeks or months. Help me to make it as much a part of my daily routine as showering or brushing my teeth, or even talking to you!

So off to bed, early morning tomorrow...gonna go to the Farmers market for some REAL 'maters!


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