I want to feel better, to be able to be as active as I can be, to not have my feet and knees be cranky if I am standing or walking on them for too long a period of time, not to say anything about my aching back. Ok...all this whining I sound ancient, I am not; soon to be turning 50. But that is not old, it is only middle age as I fully intend to live to at least 100 and be active to boot.
I want to have a life that is not obsessed by food, eating or not eating. I want to find a way of living with food that is not a diet, one that is a way of life that I can live with for the rest of my life. Diets don't work. Normalicy does. I just need to learn what that is. And, slowly I am.
About me: I have spent most of my life as a professional costume designer, leaving the career in 2001 to move home to care for my elderly mom. Now I am finding how hard it is to find a job when your job skills consist of being able to make clothes for imaginary people. All I need is a job for someone who has a highly active imagination, likes to play with fabric and anything that glitters, and can deal with actors, directors, and stitchers all at the same time...and sometimes even make them happy.
I am now persuing other areas of creativity, something that working full time in theatre never allowed me time to do. Oh and I work at a 9-5 job, that I don't take home every night, has no deadlines and I have weekends and holidays off. Who knew that there was a thing called life!
I am happily single (and no, I am absolutely NOT looking), with no kids, human or four footed. But am a proud auntie who spoiles 2 neices and 2 nephews...or tries at least. They all have now entered the teen years and auntie jackie is getting to be too old for them! Who knew!
So enough about me, my least fav subject. This blog is to allow me to journal online, anywhere i am. To talk about what I am experiencing, thinking, feeling in a way that gets it outside my head. Doing it online opens up the possibity for risk, something I think will be helpful for me. Feel free to comment on entries.
So this is part of me, what I am about in this particular blog, and what I hope to use it for.
Monday, Aug 8, 2005 - 07:33am
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